Zoopit Control Tower

The place to control the day-to-day operations. Follow all deliveries, create and edit routes, manage orders and get detailed insights from key indicators in just a few clicks.


What else can the Dashboard help?


Routing optimisation.


The Dashboard empowers any dispatcher to set specific routing rules based on capacity, pick up location, day and delivery window. Your settings will be used the next time we generate your routes.


Focus on what matters.


We designed the Dashboard to let the user focus on what matters. All information is sorted by default based on our prediction algorithms. If we think something deserves attention, it goes to the top of the list. If you think you have better control on your own, that is okay too, the choice is yours.


Be proactive.


Get ahead of issues before they happen. Loaded with real time data, the Dashboard equips any company to provide better customer care than many ordinary logistic tools, giving real time status on important events such as delays, deviations, and proof of delivery, to name a few.

Dashboard features in a nutshell.


Consolidate it All

Consolidate all deliveries in one online and user-friendly platform.


Get Notified When it Matters

In logistics, things can get complicated pretty fast. That’s why the dashboard will always alert you if there is something that requires your attention.

Go Paperless

No more spreadsheets or phone calls trying to locate orders and drivers.


Actions Prioritised

What is important will always have the highest priority, coming to your attention right away. Everything else, our system takes care of.

Automatic Billing Calculation

Ensure that both carriers and retailers have the right prices charged and paid for.


Put Out Fires Before They Occur

We predict if every delivery is on track. Should a delay happen, we give you all the tools and information to keep your customer satisfied.