Realtime information and predictability

Zoopit platform give you real time information and control over your transportation

At any given moment things can turn 180° and quickly get out of control. Our platform is based on real time data. The moment something happens, the information is immediately and actions can be taken.

Real time visibility

Empower your business and customers with true instant data.

Zoopit uses many data points to define what needs to be brought to attention. It’s an act of balance, filtering the noise out and leaving only the relevant information.

Too little information

Having no idea where or when a delivery is due should be a thing of the past. In the age of information, we’ve all become consumers of data — and want it instantly. Without instant answers to the how, where, when, and why, it’s hard to make the case that customers are satisfied.

Too much information

Ironically, too much information can impair human action. That’s why our platform provides a simple place to find only the necessary and precise information, so the right decisions and actions are taken without any second guessing.


Customers Automatically informed - if you want

Zoopit gives an arsenal of tools to give your customers all the answers they need and want. For businesses, it’s the peace-of-mind that customers are well taken care of, drastically reducing unnecessary engagement with support questions that can be solved on their own.

How do we do it?


Real time delivery tracking.


With real time tracking, customers get the information they need, when they need it. More reliable deliveries means happier customers.


Notifying when it matters most.


Notifications play an important role in Zoopit, but you know your customer best. With Zoopit Customer Communicator, you build your own communication and can let customers know where deliveries are, potential delays, or a simple SMS/e-mail to provide the real time tracking page link.


Timing and Consistency are everything.


At Zoopit, you can plan for consistency. Whether creating routes or dealing with routines, the goal is to consistently meet expectations to the point they become predictable. Where all parts are orchestrated to reduce errors, increase effectiveness and thus, provide a consistent experience for everyone